Sunday, January 4, 2009

Back to the Real World

Today is the last day of my vacation. There are many benefits to being a teacher. One of the many is a two week Christmas vacation. My boyfriend, his son and I went to see Bedtime Stories at the theatre. Cute movie, but I was greatly disappointed that The Who song "I Can't Explain" that has been on the advertisements, did not, in fact, play during the movie at all. So, if you, like I am, are jonesing for a great Who song, click on the youtube on the side bar and watch a some classic Who videos. Wanted to insert one right into the text here, especially "I Can't Explain", but not sure how to do that yet. Another skill to master. Before I made the Christmas side cable slippers, I produced a prototype, which was fortunate, as it was too big for a woman's foot. So, it has been languishing as one boyfriend slipper, waiting for its mate. I got the second boyfriend slipper started and completed today, and they are currently residing on his feet. Good thing, too, as it's cold out and his kitchen tends to be drafty. I enjoy knitting for him as he's such an appreciative recipient and tends to be proud and show off my knits to others. So the remainder of the evening I will not lament the fact that I must return to the work force tomorrow. Rather, I will relax and perhaps reflect on what a good holiday this was. Much time with my boyfriend and his kids, time with my parents and brother, a fun New Year's Eve party with friends, food and drink, and lounging time in my home with the kitties. Tomorrow, it's back to work I go (until spring break....)

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